
Friends of Firle School (FoFS) is a group of volunteers who organise events to raise funds for the school, and to arrange social occasions in which families can meet. These typically include discos, film nights, the Christmas Fair, pancake races, quiz night, the Summer Party and cake sales.

We also raise funds through schemes such as Bag2School and The Giving Machine: please see the information displayed here and in the school newsletters.

We have a strong commitment to supporting the school by making additional financial resources available. In recent years the monies we have raised have been used to fund school trips, purchase additional learning and play resources (such as paying for experience days for the children, with subjects covered ranging from history and music to circus skills), as well as to buy a new shed in which to store sporting and playground equipment.

We have regular meetings throughout the year, to which all parents and anyone who would like to support the school are warmly welcomed. We understand that not everyone can make meetings – if you can’t but would still like to help with an event, or have an idea for one of your own, please just let us know!